‘Painful and Hilarious is Basically My Entire Existence’ Alexandra Izzi | Heavily Inked

My Dear Friends of Inked I got the words for you on my butt cheek because I used to Moon people a lot and I thought it was funny if I would be like you um but then as I got older I’m like I can’t have this on my ass and uh I had to get it covered so the second time was even worse because the cover-up was like now like my whole butt cheek um again from It’s Always Sunny in.

Philadelphia I got the Kitten Mittens logo uh covering my my butt and that was painful but hilarious but painful painful and hilarious is basically my entire existence I think hi I’m Alexandra Izzy I’m a stand-up comedian and a body piercer this is Barbara nugget my service dog and this.

Is my story I got my first tattoo when I was 13. um I was kind of a bad kid I used to sneak off and cut school and I would take a train into the village and they didn’t really care how old I was also I’ve been the same size since I was about like nine or ten so I never really got carded for anything so I just would.

Get like you know yeah but for I got my first tattoo I got a little rose on my hip and I thought I was like the biggest badass in the world anything new that I wasn’t used to it just kind of excited me I was just like all right this is cool and then I thought it was going to hurt like a lot um and then it didn’t hurt at all so I was like oh I want more.

And then I got another one I think like the next week um which was funny enough on my hands every single aspect of my life was controlled so this was like my way of like being like Oh no this is me and even if people don’t know at least like I know if that makes any sense I liked being like a secret badass.

Like I had like a double life kind of when I was a kid I was able to cover up almost everything up until maybe like a couple years ago from my mother I’m very good at that I have wigs I had I wore fingerless gloves in high school like and like whenever she would be like oh take them off I’d be like it’s the style mom like you know.

And yeah and she found out like a couple years ago that I had my whole head thing done um the wig reveal was really funny uh she did not like it but she’s getting used to it I think hopefully and she literally found out because I was just like it was summer it was hot I was wearing a wig and I’m like I can’t take.

This anymore and I just ripped it off and I don’t think she looked like she saw a ghost um but yeah I would wear I would wear a wig and I had different wigs too and when she asked me why I was wearing a wig I’m like oh it’s a style um I’d wear a beanie over the wig because I don’t know how to Like Glue it.

Or do any like cool stuff with it um long sleeve shirts the gloves the pants like I completely covered myself very uncomfortable super super uncomfortable but being uncomfortable to me was a lot easier than like facing my truth it’s really deep it’s really deep it was kind of like I can’t take it anymore moment I was like Mom like this.

Is just me and you just kind of have to do it with it but she had no idea I didn’t I even I thought like she has to know no so when I first started getting tattoos it was kind of just like Oh I thought this was cool and then I would just get it and then whatever um as I got older I started being like.

Okay this is something I’m really into so I want to plan it and like I I would go to a shop and talk to them first instead of just being like Oh I want an appointment right now I like to get tattoos that are funny if I think something’s funny like nobody can talk me out of it um so I’ll just get like whatever it’s.

50 50 where I’m like impulse or if I’m just like no this means a lot I have a portrait of Danny DeVito as a man cheetah on my side it’s one of my favorite tattoos it helps me feel better about myself like instead of looking at my thigh and be like uh gross it Jiggles I’m like oh crap it’s a man cheetah I didn’t really think much I’m very.

Impulsive even now I’m just like hey if it looks cool screw it I’ll do it the first time I noticed people noticing me um was maybe like five six years ago honestly um that’s when I decided to shave my head and get this whole thing and um it’s weird because like I so I I grew up.

I was when I grew up I was like a really fat kid and a lot of people would always like stare at me and I thought it was because I was fat um and then as I got older and then like I lost weight people would like still stare at me funny so I was like screw it if people are gonna look at me I’ll give them something to look at and I just got.

This so it kind of like helps with my confidence more than ever but I didn’t really notice like the hardcore stairs until like this whole thing um yeah the compass on my head is I love to travel and just see new things and I figured a compass would help me figure out where I’m going in life.

I think my head tattoo changed my life it made me feel more confident like if people are gonna stare at me that’s cool I don’t mind it it definitely changed my outlook on myself like it it taught me a lot of self-love that I didn’t have before I thought getting my head tattooed was going to be horrible and painful I even cried a little bit before.

I got it because I’m a baby and that’s just how I roll as soon as the needle went on my skin it was I didn’t feel it it felt like I was getting like a head massage and I’ve heard people before say like oh the head is the worst tattoo ever I didn’t feel it I don’t know if that’s because I have nothing in my brain or just my skills built.

Differently but like I really it was it had to be the easiest tattoo I have listen I’m a big baby when it comes to tattoos a lot of them I I will complain this one I like I kind of was like she was laying on me it was like very relaxing it was very uh like meditation for me almost I I never saw anyone with eyelid tattoos.

Before and I thought it would be something different until I went on the internet and found out that a lot of people have them um but they usually had like words and stuff and since I’m a crazy dog lady I’m like oh paw prints are cute so I just got the Paw Prints the uh the eyelid tattoos.

On a pain level weren’t that bad but it was like very uncomfortable because the entire time I thought like oh my God they’re gonna poke my eye and but it didn’t happen so I’m cool I’m planning I have like portraits that I definitely need to get um and then I think the next thing that I’m doing is I have this little space in.

My head that drives me crazy so I just want to fill it in with something but that’s like probably like the next one I’m gonna do every time I look in the mirror and I see this little spot it’s like if you have hair and you have a bald spot I’m just I want to like sharp put a Sharpie on it or something just to cover up the little spot in my head.

I’m the type of person where like if like people could say like oh that looks bad or whatever um as long as I don’t think it looks bad I’m cool with it but if something really really bothers me and nobody seems to notice it’s still gonna bother me like a lot I have weird weird things like I don’t regret any of the tattoos I have.

And I have a lot of dumb tattoos um but the reason I don’t regret them is because at some point in my life I did like them and I did think it was cool or funny or whatever so like if I say I regret something it’s like kind of like me like telling off my past self and I don’t want to do that I want to be good to me so I don’t regret any of them as.

Dumb as they are and if I got a chance to go back I would do everything the same um I know that’s not a good a good way to look at it but it’s like if I didn’t do everything I did when I was a kid I wouldn’t be where I am now and I’m for the first time in 32 years I’m very happy with where I am right now.

In my life so I don’t wanna I wouldn’t change anything I still would a lot about the tattoos and I still would have covered them up uh there is uh nothing scarier than an angry Colombian mother um so I yeah I still definitely would have covered them up no changes not one thing.

Final answer thank you so much for watching um if you want to get pierced by me check out sacred Bloodlines in Union and if you want to check out my comedy it’s what would Izzy do on Instagram YouTube Tick Tock Twitter everything is what would Izzy do um thanks again for watching.

Comedian and piercer Alexandra Izzi got her very first tattoo at only 13 years old. She very quickly got her second and this was only the beginning of her tattoo journey. Tattoos are her way of telling the world, and herself, “this is me.” From funny tattoos to tattoos that celebrate her adorable service dog, Barbara Nugget, Izzi shares her story in this episode of Heavily Inked.

Alexandra Izzi: https://www.instagram.com/whatwouldizzido/
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